Now we know where Donald Trump got his insane “disinfectant” idea from

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When Donald Trump went before the TV cameras yesterday and suggested that everyone should ingest or inject disinfectants in order to fight the coronavirus, he set off a panic, as everyone from doctors to the maker of Lysol rushed to issue statements about how doing so wouldn’t cure anything, it would just kill you. But where did Trump get an idea from that was so whacked out even by his deranged standards?

It turns out there’s a certain con artist out there who actually markets bleach as an ingestible cure-all. This guy wrote a letter to Donald Trump a few days ago, promoting his bleach as a coronavirus miracle cure, according to the Guardian. Then yesterday Trump stood on stage and promoted the product, referring to it as a “disinfectant.”

This serves as a reminder that Donald Trump a con artist who is willing to peddle dangerous phony products, and a man in cognitive decline who doesn’t understand that he’s hurting his reelection prospects by promoting something like this, and a psychopath who doesn’t care who dies as a result of his con artistry.

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