Andrew Cuomo just destroyed Mitch McConnell

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Now that numerous state governments are in need of federal bailouts in order to make payroll for people like teachers and police officers, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is being his usual jerk self. He wants all the bailout money to go to his corrupt cronies, not to working class people. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is having none of McConnell’s nonsense.

Mitch McConnell railed against “blue state bailouts,” insinuating that it was only the Democratic Party leaning states that need federal assistance. Andrew Cuomo used his press conference today to obliterate McConnell: “How ugly a thought. Just think of what he’s saying. People died. Fifteen thousand people died in New York. But they were predominantly Democrats, so why should we help them? … How irresponsible and how reckless.”

The condemnation of Mitch McConnell has been widespread. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called his blue state remarks “pathetic,” and pointed out that McConnell is behaving in desperate fashion because he’s afraid of losing reelection. So many people are piling on, McConnell’s name has been trending on Twitter all day.

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