Turns out Donald Trump was totally lying about that Harvard thing

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When Donald Trump stood on the stage during Tuesday’s press briefing and condemned Harvard for having taken $9 million from a federal small business loan program, it almost sounded like the kind of thing you could agree with him on for once. What business did Harvard have gobbling up money that was intended to keep small businesses afloat during the coronavirus crisis?

But one consistent rule in this era is that if you’re ever tempted to agree with Donald Trump on anything, it means something is wrong. Sure enough, it turns out Harvard did not take any money from the small business loan program. Harvard is confirming that the money it received was from a separate program that was designated specifically to help low income college students through the coronavirus crisis, and that the money will be going directly to the students in question.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Donald Trump was lying about this. His entire life has been one big lie, from his false claims about his net worth, to his endless phony aliases, to the lies he tells about America on a daily basis. Of course he was lying about the Harvard thing. And considering how viciously he attacked the school over a phony scandal he made up, we’re left to wonder if he resents Harvard because he couldn’t get into the school when his daddy was buying him a degree.

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