What’s really eating Donald Trump

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Donald Trump has once again decided to accuse Fox News host Chris Wallace of not living up to his father. Even if you want to give the edge to Mike Wallace over Chris Wallace, so what? Chris Wallace is a very good journalist who runs circles around everyone else on Fox News. More importantly, Trump’s sense of projection is once again betraying him.

It’s telling how often Donald Trump tries to use the “you’ll never live up to your father” routine. It gives away just how much of a disappointment Fred Trump saw Donald Trump as being. It also gives away that Trump sees his own sons as a disappointment.

For that matter, when Donald Trump routinely accuses CNN host Chris Cuomo of not living up to his brother, Governor Andrew Cuomo, he’s giving away something as well. Donald Trump was never as smart or capable as his brother, Fred Trump Jr., or his sister, retired Judge Maryanne Trump Barry. Donald Trump’s father saw him as the weakling of the bunch, so Donald stole his father’s money and spent a lifetime proving just how terrible he is at everything.

Donald Trump couldn’t be much more obvious when it comes to why he uses such oddly specific lines of attack that are so irrelevant to the argument he’s trying to make. He’s projecting, as always. Deep down he knows he’s a failure who never lived up to his siblings in the eyes of his father, and he craves revenge on a psychotic level – and we’re all paying the price for it.

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