Donald Trump and Judge Jeanine are about to have an on-air dumpster fire for the ages tonight

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How far gone is Donald Trump? Earlier today he attacked newspapers for using unnamed sources, and then he turned around an quoted an unnamed “West Virginia Resident” while making his own argument. How far gone is Judge Jeanine Pirro? She recently failed to show up for the entire first segment of her own Fox News show, then spent the rest of the show behaving as if she were severely inebriated.

What’s even worse than two half-senile psychopaths playing for the same team? Two half-senile psychopaths appearing on the same TV show. Donald Trump will apparently be a guest on the Judge Jeanine show tonight, assuming either one of them remembers to show up:


We’ll understand if your only motivation to tune in and watch tonight is to see if one or both of them spontaneously combusts or accidentally gets eaten by a dragon. At this point it would only be slightly surprising.

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