Donald Trump just totally blew it

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By the time Donald Trump had finished cursing out the Inspector General, and had moved on to threatening to ingest an untested and potentially fatal coronavirus drug, it was clear that he was desperate to get his rocks off today. He didn’t care if this press conference helped or hurt him, he only cared about taking out his frustrations as his presidency fails.

What’s remarkable is that this was precisely the opposite script that Donald Trump’s babysitters decided he needed today. They began the day by posting things on Trump’s Twitter account about little league baseball, and praise for frontline workers. Then they gave him a fairly conciliatory script to read at the start of the press conference. They really wanted him to bail himself out a bit today by sounding like a mentally stable human being.

Then Donald Trump totally blew it by doing what we all watched him do today. He set himself up for yet another ugly news cycle documenting his psychotic behavior. He gave credence to his detractors who claim he’s mentally unstable. He hurt himself further today, at a time when even his own diaper changers knew he was in need of a non-psychotic press conference. Trump blew it.

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