Bernie Sanders is finished

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Bernie Sanders has gotten blown out so badly in the 2020 Democratic primary contest, the race has been over for weeks. But because things like voting results and facts and reality just don’t matter to him and his most hardcore supporters, he’s inexplicably still in the race.

Nevermind that there’s a deadly pandemic going on. Nevermind that Joe Biden is the Democratic nominee, and that he’s the one who’s running against Donald Trump, and that Trump is currently on a murder spree. None of that “adult” stuff matters, because Bernie Sanders and his foot stomping zombies are insisting that he’s the somehow only one who can magically save us from what’s going on.

That’s right, a guy who’s been in politics for forty years and has literally never accomplished anything, who has never delivered a single inch of progress on any of the issues that he claims to care about, who has an almost childlike understanding of the issues, is somehow going to save us from this incredibly complex crisis. This right here is why Bernie’s movement has fully failed, and has turned out to have been a waste of time for everyone involved in it.

If Bernie Sanders and his fans had gotten their way, Andrew Cuomo wouldn’t be Governor of New York right now. Cynthia Nixon would be Governor instead. She was the laughably unqualified foot stomping pro-Bernie idiot who ran a primary challenge against Cuomo, under the premise that Cuomo wasn’t “pure” enough. With what’s happening in New York right now, the death toll would likely have been double or more if someone as clueless and unqualified as Cynthia Nixon were the Governor.

The fatal flaw of the Bernie cult has always been that things like competence, experience, knowledge, and intellect are seen as drawbacks. Bernie’s fans don’t want people in charge who know what they’re doing. They want dumbasses in charge who spend their time stomping their feet and reciting purist propaganda instead of actually accomplishing anything.

Anti-intellectualism has historically been an inherent trait of the political right. But from the start, despite being staked to leftist political positions, the Bernie Sanders movement has been rooted entirely in anti-intellectualism. How is that possible? Sanders just happens to be an incompetent low IQ idiot who doesn’t have an ounce of intellect about him, so his worshippers have decided that no one in government should be competent or smart. You can’t have anyone outshining your cult leader, can you?

Fortunately, most people on the left have seen this Sanders cult for what it is, including a large number of his former supporters who have run away from it screaming. There’s a reason no one in the Sanders cult ever talks about how they’re going to implement their leftist ideas, because it’s never been about actually making anything happen. Like most cults, the Sanders cult has simply given its members an excuse to believe that their purist views alone make them superior to everyone else on the left. Actually delivering any progressive change has never been relevant. After all, actual change requires getting ones hands dirty.

The Sanders cult has never been about leftist views; it just happens to exist on the left. It’s similar to how the Trump cult has never been about conservative views; it just happens to exist on the right. Both cults are about fully rejecting things like intellect and competence, in favor of worshipping a simpleton who spouts magical ideas. Fortunately, because the left is smarter than the right, most on the left have rejected Sanders, which is why he’s lost the 2016 and 2020 primary races in blowouts.

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