Donald Trump was golfing the whole time!

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is now insisting that Donald Trump only failed in his coronavirus response because he was too busy being impeached. Of course this means that McConnell is admitting that Trump failed in his response, which in turn means that McConnell has already given up any hope of trying to spin Trump’s response as having been a successful one. But it’s bigger than this.

Even if impeachment did distract Donald Trump from doing his job, it would still be absurd to argue that this was somehow the fault of the Democrats. If the criminal justice system puts a murderer on trial, and it means that murderer can’t do his day job well, it’s on the murderer for being a murderer. But there’s hard proof that Trump wasn’t distracted by impeachment.

United Nations Representative Mohamad Safa has helpfully documented all of the campaign rallies and golfing vacations that Donald Trump has taken since he was first briefed about the coronavirus crisis:


That’s right, Donald Trump was golfing the whole time. If he was distracted from the coronavirus crisis, it’s because he cares more about golf than he does about doing his job, or who lives or dies. For that matter, Trump claimed during his press conference on Tuesday that he’s handling the coronavirus crisis perfectly – and if that’s his position, then neither he nor his apologists get to use impeachment as a lame excuse.

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