Maniacally self-centered Donald Trump just reached a whole new low

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Donald Trump was forced to swallow a working class-centric economic relief bill today, after Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats derailed the GOP’s plan to shove all the relief money to corporate cronies. Now that the Trump regime has indeed been forced to help out the American working class, he’s going to deranged lengths to try to falsely take credit for it.

Trump is insisting that his signature be on the coronavirus relief checks that are sent out to the American public, according to a surreal detail buried in a new Wall Street Journal report. Normally the President’s signature would never be on any such check. But Trump is trying to force this change so that people out there might be conned into believing that he’s the reason they’re getting the check.

This is deranged beyond words. It’s also quite possibly a violation of federal campaign finance laws, considering he’s making this misleading move in an attempt at getting the upper hand in an election. The good news is that the latest Real Clear Politics polling averages show that Joe Biden’s lead over Trump has increased slightly, and now stands at 7.1 points. For all of Trump’s antics, they’re not helping him.

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