This guy doesn’t have a clue

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In addition to being a career financial criminal, a pathological liar, a narcissistic sociopath, and a murderous monster, Donald Trump is also the world’s most clueless man. During his dumpster of a press conference today, he reminded us once again that he literally doesn’t know anything.

At one point today Donald Trump went on an incoherent rant about the coronavirus, and he ended up saying this: “You can call it a virus … I’m not sure anybody even knows what it is.” Spoiler alert, it’s a virus. It’s right there in the name. It’s literally called the coronavirus.

Donald Trump also asserted during his flaming toxic waste dump of a press conference today that the 1918 flu occurred in 1917. Again, it’s right there in the name. This guy doesn’t know anything. He shouldn’t even be allowed into the White House on a visitor pass, let alone hold the office of President of the United States.

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