Donald Trump’s latest press conference is already off to a completely psychotic start

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If we were a functioning democracy, Donald Trump would be under house arrest right now for national security reasons, and the rest of us would be allowed to go outside. As it stands, Trump is still technically serving as President of the United States, and he keeps holding increasingly deranged press conferences as a way of carrying out his psychotic impulses.

Donald Trump’s latest press conference today is off to yet another disastrous start. He’s telling lie after lie after lie about his own failure to deliver emergency medical supplies to coronavirus hotspots. He’s gone as far as to falsely claim that he sent supplies to one state that the state has since stashed in a warehouse.

But most of Trump’s focus thus far has been on viciously attacking Governors on a deeply personal level. Trump keeps insisting that “I want them to be appreciative.” This is what he cares about. This is just how psychotically deranged this lunatic is.

Donald Trump just revealed that he asked Mike Pence not to work with the Governor of Washington. Trump also keeps referring to the Governor of Michigan as “the woman in Michigan.” He’s so far psychotically gone, he’s even making a point of dragging sexism into his meltdown. How the hell is this raging lunatic not in prison yet? The Department of Justice needs to drag him off the stage right this minute.

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