All bets are off today

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When the situation is this chaotically fluid, it can be difficult to predict where things will be an hour from now, let alone by the end of the day. But based on what’s transpired over the past sixteen hours or so, it feels like a number of things are going to be on a collision course with each other today.

Yesterday afternoon Donald Trump had arguably his most psychologically unstable press conference to date, sending overnight stock market trading plummeting and triggering an automatic trading limit. He then stayed up til midnight tweeting increasingly frantic things, much of it in all capital letters. He’s dealing with the stark reality that his close ally Rand Paul has the coronavirus, even as Trump continues to try to convince an increasingly skeptical public that he’s also been tested for it.

This comes as Mitch McConnell is struggling to pass his corrupt faux-stimulus legislation because he can’t get enough Republican Senators out of quarantine to cast votes, and the Senate Democrats are blocking everything he throws their way. House Democrats will pass their own working-class stimulus package, and its prospects in the Senate may come down to how many more Republican Senators end up being quarantined. We’re at that point now.

So what does this all add up to heading into today? That’s anyone’s guess. Donald Trump announced last night that he’s waiting until the end of the fifteen day period before making any decisions, and no one has any idea what fifteen day period he’s even talking about. He’s that far gone. Yet a whole lot of things are crushing down on him as we speak, and he can’t just ignore it. We’ll see.

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