What are we supposed to do now?

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The United States is battling a pandemic, and the President of the United States is a damaged buffoon who lacks both the intelligence and the psychological competence to handle it. Donald Trump keeps stepping to the plate, lethargically swinging and missing, falling down, and hitting himself in the head. So what are the rest of us supposed to do?

By now we all know the bad news. The coronavirus currently has no vaccine, and there isn’t one on the near-term horizon. The confirmed number of infected people keeps going up, and because Trump completely botched the acquisition of testing kits, we have no way of knowing how high the true number of infected people might be. Americans are dying. Far more Americans will die. The country is in the process of shutting down.

But you already knew all of that. Is there any good news? That at least partly depends on you. There are plenty of things you can do, and should be doing right now, to keep yourself as safe as possible. Listen to the experts on this. Your job is to keep yourself, and the people around you, as healthy as possible until the cavalry arrives.

There will be a cavalry. Don’t ask me when or how, but there will be. At some point the proper testing equipment will become available. At some point a vaccine will eventually be invented. We’ll get through this together. One priority is to keep everyone safe. The other priority is to come together and make sure Donald Trump loses in November. It’s our single best hope of long term recovery from everything that’s happening.

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