Chris Hayes just nailed it

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MSNBC seems to be doing this weird thing this week where they try to convince us it’s a foregone conclusion that Bernie Sanders is going to be the Democratic nominee – and then alternating between either telling that Sanders will beat Trump, or telling us that Sanders will lose to Trump and take the entire Democratic Party down with him.

Of course this ignores the fact that Sanders has only won two out of the three states so far (with forty-seven states to go), and the fact that a large majority of Democratic primary voters in the first three states have voted against Sanders. But even setting aside the reality that we’re likely headed toward an open convention and that Sanders likely won’t end up being the nominee, MSNBC host Chris Hayes made a great point tonight about Bernie’s electability:


In other words, Bernie Sanders is not driving new voters to the polls. He’s not expanding the Democratic Party base in any way. When you put this within the context of the general election voters that he’s losing by doing things like partially praising Fidel Castro, it’s clear that Sanders would do worse against Donald Trump than any of the actual Democratic candidates would.

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