You’ve got to be kidding

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Last night Donald Trump took to Twitter and exclaimed that the investigations into his criminal scandals are “A total Witch Hunt!” This was far from the first time in which he’s invoked this phrase. He generally yells it while quoting some lie from one of his own advisers or sycophants. But this time was a bit different.

This time around Donald Trump was yelling “witch hunt” while quoting this Associated Press headline: “Russian President Vladimir Putin says U.S. President Donald Trump’s impeachment is far-fetched and predicts the U.S. Senate will reject it.”

That’s right, Donald Trump is now asserting that he’s innocent in his Ukraine extortion scandal because Putin says he’s innocent. No really, this is happening. Trump is so far down the rabbit hole, so far beyond worrying about appearances, he’s just flat out admitting that he works for the Russian government.

This tweet alone is grounds for Donald Trump’s impeachment and removal. Trump sold out his country and criminally conspired with Russia to rig the 2016 election. Now he’s being impeached because he got caught trying to criminally conspire with Ukraine to rig the 2020 election. Trump is a traitor. He belongs in prison, not the Oval Office. He’ll end up in prison eventually – and at that point even Putin won’t be able to help the bastard.

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