Forces are aligning against Donald Trump in real time

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Donald Trump isn’t even in the United States right now, which is fitting considering his presidency barely still exists. He’s in the process of being impeached in Congress. He’s in the process of being criminally indicted on state charges by a grand jury. Even as these crucial but slow processes play out, Trump has far more immediate problems.

For instance, the Feds at the SDNY just revealed in court yesterday that superseding indictments are very likely coming in the criminal investigation involving Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman. Hours later, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff appeared on the Rachel Maddow show and confirmed that Lev Parnas has indeed already turned over Ukraine scandal evidence to him and his committee. Last week, media reports said that this evidence included recordings of Trump and Rudy Giuliani.

These two developments are likely not a coincidence. Schiff made a point of spelling out that his work with Parnas won’t interfere with the SDNY probe. What does that mean, exactly? If Parnas is cooperating this thoroughly with Schiff, he’s almost surely cooperating with the SDNY, which means these superseding indictments are likely against whoever is next up the chain. Hint: rhymes with “Dudy Griuliani.” And if Rudy gets popped, he’ll have to seriously consider flipping on Trump, which is the entire point.

So yeah, the House and the SDNY are aligning against Donald Trump in real time. They’ve got at least one cooperating witness who has hard evidence. They’ve got Trump’s lawyer nailed to the wall. By the time Trump gets back from his current overseas trip, there may not be much of his presidency left to come back to.

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