Kellyanne Conway has berserk meltdown on live television

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If you want a sense of how Donald Trump thinks yesterday’s first round of televised House impeachment hearings went for him, consider this: he chose Kellyanne Conway to go out and defend him on television this morning. Trump only chooses her when things are going so poorly for him, he’s hoping that Kellyanne’s high-speed, incoherent, combative, nonstop, compulsive lies will simply leave everyone confused.

Kellyanne Conway decided to go on-air with CNN’s overly serious Wolf Blitzer, something of a strange choice considering the juvenile hijinks she was planning to try. Kellyanne rapidly cycled her way through a bunch of dishonest and bizarre talking points, as per usual, including the claim that impeachment can’t be real because Trump’s own White House Counsel said it can’t be real.

But then Blitzer showed Kellyanne a clip of her husband George Conway having disputed much of this nonsense on television just yesterday. This sent Kellyanne over the edge. She began ranting about how she lives her life offline, and how CNN is just a bunch of “gossip girls” and other gibberish.

When Kellyanne Conway’s own husband is on cable news telling the truth in a way that disproves Kellyanne’s lies, it’s fair game for someone like Wolf Blitzer to bring that up during an interview. As things continue to fall apart for the Donald Trump regime, his people like Kellyanne seem to be cracking worse than ever.

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