Well that was pretty stupid of Donald Trump

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All along it’s been fairly clear that Donald Trump and his House Republican allies have been coordinating their attempts at sabotaging the impeachment process. That’s completely improper, considering the House is supposed to be objectively deciding whether to impeach Trump. But up to now, they’ve at least been slightly trying to keep up appearances. Then came this morning.

The whistleblower offered last night to provide written testimony to the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee. That way they could get their questions answered, and the whistleblower could keep his/her identity secret. Palmer Report wrote that this backed Donald Trump and the House Republicans into a corner, as they’re trying to push the narrative that the whistleblower is refusing to cooperate at all, even as they’re trying to expose the whistleblower’s identity.

This offer enraged Donald Trump so thoroughly, he blurted out this on Twitter: “The Whistleblower gave false information & dealt with corrupt politician Schiff. He must be brought forward to testify. Written answers not acceptable!” Okay, but this response was supposed to come from Trump’s House GOP henchmen, not from Trump himself. He just admitted that he’s directly tampering with the grand jury, so to speak. That was dumb, because it helps House Democrats make the argument to the general public that Trump is approaching impeachment in bad faith.

By the way, there’s an irony here in that Donald Trump insisted on submitting written answers to Robert Mueller, because he was afraid to show up and answer questions in real time. Now Trump is turning around and insisting that the whistleblower shouldn’t be afforded the same courtesy that he received.

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