Nancy Pelosi invokes Richard Nixon’s resignation while unloading on Donald Trump

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Donald Trump had a remarkably bad day on Saturday. What started off as a slow news day ended up exploding with a bang, thanks to the release of secret Mueller memos which directly incriminate Trump and his various underlings in the Russia scandal. Then on Saturday night things got even worse for Trump, as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stepped to the plate.

Nancy Pelosi sent out a lengthy letter to House members on Saturday night, which Congressman David Cicilline then posted to Twitter. Pelosi started off by listing the things that House Democrats have already accomplished and plan to accomplish legislatively. Then she zeroed in on Donald Trump, saying this:

President Nixon resigned office because of the break-in of the DNC Headquarters for his political gain and the cover-up. Some observers of that sad time of our history say that President Nixon’s offenses pale in comparison to what President Trump has done … As we legislate, investigate and litigate, we recognize that no one is above the law, not even the President of the United States. He will be held accountable.

On a day when everything went wrong for him, the last thing Donald Trump needed to hear was a reminder that the last guy who screwed up the presidency this badly ended up having to resign in disgrace. Speaker Pelosi chooses her words carefully, so we think it’s notable that she’s invoking Nixon’s resignation right now. You can read her full letter here.

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