Donald Trump goes completely berserk as House impeachment resolution becomes official

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Happy Halloween, Donald Trump, you’re being impeached! Actually, Trump was being impeached before today’s House vote on a resolution establishing the rules and procedures for the impeachment inquiry, as impeachment is a multi-step process that has gone on for awhile and will go on for awhile. But the resolution passed today, making it the first full-House vote in favor of impeachment, and well, Trump is going bonkers accordingly.

Donald Trump started off his Twitter tantrum by screaming “READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” That’s cute, considering Colonel Vindman testified this week that the transcript was altered by the White House in ways that made Trump look less guilty. Trump then yelled “The Impeachment Hoax is hurting our Stock Market. The Do Nothing Democrats don’t care!” That was weird, considering that minutes earlier, Trump had just gotten done blaming his own Fed Chair Jay Powell for today’s stock market selloff. Which one is it?

But then Trump went with his crescendo by yelling “The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History!” This prompted everyone on Twitter to give him a quick history lesson about the Salem Witch Trials, which was an actual witch hunt.

The upshot is that Donald Trump is clearly thrown off by the fact that a full House vote in favor of his impeachment has now passed. It’s a major, if predictable, step forward in the process of the dismantling of his illegitimate criminal presidency. If Trump is perturbed today, just wait until the public hearings begin, and the key witnesses spell out his guilt on live national television while the whole world watches.

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