We told you Colonel Vindman was going to take some people down

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When the news surfaced that Colonel Alexander Vindman had testified about the games that had been played with the transcript of the Trump-Ukraine phone call, Palmer Report pointed out that people who outranked Vindman in the White House had to have been behind those games. We also pointed out that these people were likely to go down, because of the whole obstruction of justice thing.

Sure enough, it looks like Colonel Vindman’s testimony has already earmarked one key White House official for impending doom. The Washington Post is reporting that when Vindman voiced his concerns about Trump’s phone call to White House lawyer John Eisenberg this summer, Eisenberg responded by suggesting that the transcript be moved to the classified server where the White House had been improperly stashing all records of Trump’s troublesome communications with world leaders.

You can see how this is a problem. It doesn’t prove that Eisenberg was the mastermind behind the scheme to hide evidence on the secret server. But it does prove that Eisenberg was at least aware of the scheme, and that he approved of it, and that he was willing to participate in it by stashing the Trump-Ukraine transcript there. It also means that Eisenberg knows who else was involved in this scheme.

It’s difficult to imagine that John Eisenberg survives this without an eventual prison sentence, unless he comes clean to the House impeachment inquiry and exposes everyone else who was involved in this plot to hide evidence on a secret server. So either Colonel Vindman has taken Eisenberg down, or he’s taken down whoever Eisenberg is about to throw under the bus. This could escalate quickly.

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