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For awhile there it looked like Rudy Giuliani might actually follow his lawyer’s advice and shut the heck up, so he wouldn’t risk further incriminating himself as the Feds move in on him. Then Rudy announced that he had no attorney and didn’t need one, and sure enough, right around that time he began speaking up more often and more stupidly. But on Wednesday night, Rudy finally just plain snapped.

Rudy Giuliani appeared to be driven to snap by Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan’s testimony today about Rudy’s antics. The thing is, after Rudy began attacking Sullivan on Twitter, he just kept going… and going. Rudy went on to (falsely) accuse respected Colonel Alexander Vindman of being a double agent for Ukraine, or something like that. Then he began comparing Adam Schiff to Joe McCarthy, and a bunch of other increasingly incoherent nonsense.

We’re not sure where this going, but it can’t be good for Rudy Giuliani. Late on Monday night he was incoherently ranting on Twitter about someone named “Ben Laden.” Late on Tuesday, he was ranting in utterly bizarre fashion about Vindman. Now Rudy is pretty much attacking anything that moves.

Even with his worsening incoherence, Rudy Giuliani can probably figure out that the SDNY is soon going to get its hands on the transcripts of each of these impeachment witnesses – and yeah, they can be used as evidence for indicting Rudy, arresting him, and putting him on trial.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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