Nancy Pelosi zeroes in on Donald Trump

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Over the weekend, the news surfaced that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had taken a congressional delegation overseas to try to fix Donald Trump’s Syria disaster. Trump went ballistic about the trip, attacking everyone from President Obama to Adam Schiff, but seemed afraid to attack Pelosi directly for it. Today’s news serves as a reminder of why Trump is so afraid of Pelosi.

Nancy Pelosi is zeroing in on an article of impeachment against Donald Trump for “abuse of power,” according to NBC News. Various pundits are painting this as a narrowing the impeachment focus against Trump, but we see it as the opposite. She’s talking about an all-encompassing article of impeachment that covers everything.

Instead of trying to bring half a dozen articles of impeachment for various specific crimes, the “abuse of power” article of impeachment would essentially accuse Donald Trump of being maniacally out of control in general. It would allow the impeachment proceedings against Trump to include just about every wrong thing he’s done, without getting bogged down in having to parse a bunch of narrower articles of impeachment.

Notably, the NBC report also says that Nancy Pelosi is considering including a separate article of impeachment specifically for obstruction of justice. No reason is being given. We suspect that by hitting Donald Trump with a massive all-inclusive article of impeachment, plus a second narrow article on obstruction, Pelosi is giving Senate Republicans the chance to split the difference by acquitting Trump on the big one but convicting him on the small one, thus allowing the GOP to oust Trump while telling his base that it did everything it could to try to save him.

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