Donald Trump just begged to be removed from office

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When your world is in the process of falling apart and there’s nothing you can do to stop it, you’re going to alternate between delusional stretches where you try to convince yourself everything is going to be just fine, and moments of lucidity where you start deciding how you’re going to deal with what’s happening to you.

Donald Trump has a psychology that’s quite far removed from what would be considered human. But he’s still clearly working his way through that same pattern of delusion (posting fake polls about how 98% of the country is behind him), and sober decision-making moments. Trump isn’t exactly the most literate kid in thee class, but even he can read the (real) polls showing that more people want him ousted by the day. That’s not the kind of trend that reversed itself, and even Trump โ€“ in those lucid moments โ€“ surely knows it.

If it wasn’t already clear enough already, Trump stood on the White House South Lawn and spelled out a few things for us. First, he knows he’s going down. Second, at this point he’d rather be impeached and removed (or forced to resign) so he can play victim and spend the rest of his life pretending his presidency would have been great if it hadn’t been stolen from him, than suffer the fate of having to run in 2020 and lose.

Donald Trump stood there today and not only publicly confessed to conspiring with Ukraine, he tried to conspire with Ukraine again. Then he threatened vague consequences against China if it doesn’t conspire with him to rig the 2020 election against Joe Biden. Even he knows that’s not a gambit with any hope of working โ€“ unless his gambit is to force Senate Republicans to conclude that their only chance of keeping their own seats is to go ahead and oust him. On a conscious or subconscious level, Trump just wants this to be over, and he’s now trying to force it to be over.

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