It’s all crumbling down for Donald Trump in real time

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Donald Trump spent this past weekend sending one of his deranged toadies after another onto the weekend talk show circuit, in the hope that one of them would say something that somehow helped him. None of it went anywhere at all. In fact the only person who made an impact on cable news this weekend was Robert De Niro, when he went on CNN and repeatedly hurled the F-word at Trump and his supporters.

By Sunday night, Trump had reached the point of desperation where he felt compelled to start demanding a meeting with the whistleblower and the people who provided information to the whistleblower, while also threatening “big consequences” for them. That’s right, the President of the United states is now reduced to not only committing felony witness intimidation in plain sight, but also coming across as the kind of thug who wants to beat people up in a back alleyway.

Even as everything goes wrong for Donald Trump in terms of the news that’s coming out, and the pro-impeachment poll numbers that are piling up, nothing in Trump’s anti-impeachment arsenal is getting him anywhere. By the time Trump literally committed treason by calling for a “civil war” if he’s impeached and removed, he came off just as pathetic and delusional as he did deranged.

This is all going wrong for Donald Trump in real time. That’s fascinating when you consider that no one testified against him this weekend (that’ll start happening this upcoming week), and no additional bombshells surfaced today about his secret server full of incriminating transcripts (that’ll likely happen week too). It’s all crumbling down for Donald Trump in real time, even before the next shoe drops.

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