Donald Trump doesn’t know what’s about to hit him

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Donald Trump spent this morning expressing outrage on Twitter about the fact that Fox News host Ed Henry was telling the truth about his whistleblower scandal. Trump went so far as to call Henry a “lying shit head” in a retweet. But while Trump was busy playing footsie in loserville, out in the real world things were busy going terribly wrong for him.

Even as Donald Trump was busy ranting about his “unlawful impeachment” and giving away that he’s never read the Constitution, or doesn’t know how to read it, MSNBC was revealing that Adam Schiff has reached an agreement to have the whistleblower testify in the House impeachment inquiry. Fox News was exposing that it caught two of its own frequent guests secretly working for Rudy Giuliani in the Ukraine plot. And over on CNN, Robert De Niro was busy yelling the F-word at Trump’s remaining apologists.

Trump is lost in such a haze of delusion, he has no idea what’s about to hit him. He still thinks that he can win this impeachment fight on Twitter. But again, back in the real world, Trump’s former Homeland Security Director Tom Bossert was on MSNBC helping to debunk the fake Biden scandal. That’s right, we’ve reached the stage where a former Trump cabinet member has turned against him.

Donald Trump isn’t built to survive something like this. He’s still trying to fend off what’s happening to him by invoking a combination of rage and delusion. Neither of those is a defense against impeachment. Nor will Trump’s antics help him after he’s gone from office and he’s on criminal trial for all of this.

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