Trump’s pal Benjamin Netanyahu is in deep trouble tonight

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Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are joined at the hip for a number of reasons. They’re both far-right nationalist extremists who are dragging their respective nations down. They’re both facing criminal indictment, and are just barely hanging onto power. It turns out Netanyahu has far more immediate problems than Trump does. In fact, Netanyahu has a real problem tonight.

Israel held an election today, and the results are so close, they’re still being counted. But here’s the key: according to multiple major news outlets, Benjamin Netanyahu is refusing to concede. That’s a big deal, because it means Netanyahu is the one being pressured to concede, and not his opponent.

We’ll see where this goes tomorrow. Netanyahu has managed to bring himself back from the political dead before, amid election results that looked – how can we say this – less than legitimate. But as Palmer Report often likes to point out, it takes a whole lot of effort at rigging an election just to move the needle even a very slight amount. The exit polls (which aren’t always reliable) say Netanyahu has lost. Even if Netanyahu has pulled off some creative accounting when it comes to vote counting, it may not be enough to bail him out.

Even if Benjamin Netanyahu somehow manages to be named the winner in this election, he’ll be severely weakened by this, considering he was the one who called for the election. If Netanyahu does end up losing, it’ll put Israel on a solid track with new leadership – and in the process Donald Trump will have lost one of his key corrupt allies. Notably, if Netanyahu does lose, he can expect to soon be arrested on the criminal charges he’s facing. Trump may be looking at his own fate.

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