GOP Senator throws Donald Trump directly under the bus

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It’s happened again. Weeks ago we saw the Republican Senate hold Donald Trump’s feet to the fire for once, as his Director of National Intelligence scandal played out. The GOP wouldn’t let Trump have his nominee, then wouldn’t let him hand pick an Acting DNI either. It wasn’t that they suddenly grew a conscience; it’s that they finally started to get nervous about the impact of Trump’s toxic unpopularity on their own 2020 chances. Turns out it was just a one-off, either.

Republican Senator Chuck Grassley was speaking in his state of Iowa this week when the subject of ethanol came up, which is important to his constituents. According to Reuters, Grassley asserted that the Trump administration “screwed us” by issuing a huge number of waivers which allowed powerful companies to avoid having to use ethanol. Grassley even went as far as to spell out that Trump has issued far more waivers than President Obama did.

So what is Chuck Grassley going to do about this corrupt abuse on the part of Donald Trump? Nothing, of course. When Grassley was head of the Senate Judiciary Committee during Trump’s first two years, he talked a good game but was ultimately unwilling to help expose Trump’s crimes.

Then again, when it comes to the GOP, it’s not about them suddenly growing a conscience; that’s not going to happen. It’s all about the Republicans in Congress looking at Donald Trump going off a cliff, and deciding that they’re more interested in protecting themselves than they are in going down with him. Grassley didn’t hesitate to blame Trump for the ethanol issue – and we’ll see more of this kind of thing as Trump’s 2020 poll numbers continue to drop.

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