Angela Merkel slam dunks Donald Trump

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel always chooses her words carefully, but she’s nonetheless always made clear that she’s completely unimpressed with Donald Trump. Her glares at Trump, and her terse words in his direction, have always given away how she feels. But now that Trump has taken his xenophobic rhetoric closer to that of Adolf Hitler than ever, Merkel is making a point of condemning Trump for his racism.

Angela Merkel held a press conference today, where she was asked about Donald Trump’s racist attacks on four nonwhite Democratic Congresswomen. Specifically, she was asked if she stood in solidarity with the Congresswomen. Merkel answered in German, but here’s how British newspaper the Independent translated her response: “Yes. Without question, I reject [Trump’s racist comments] and stand in solidarity with the Congresswomen he targeted.”

English language German newspaper The Local provided this translation of what Angela Merkel went on to say: “In my view, the strength of America lies in that people from different (origins) contributed to what makes the country great.” This is a clear rebuke of Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan.

Thus far Donald Trump has spent the morning tweeting additional racist attacks, continuing his public feud with the Federal Reserve, lying about his approval rating, and retweeting his own older tweets. It’s not yet clear if he’ll work up the nerve to attack Angela Merkel, or if he’s as afraid of her as we think he is.

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