Donald Trump swings and misses at Robert Mueller, punches himself in the face, falls down

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We’re now just fifteen days from Robert Mueller’s public testimony before Congress about his investigations into Donald Trump’s crimes. Yesterday, Trump’s House GOP allies tipped off how afraid they are of what Mueller is about to do to Trump. Today, Trump revealed that he doesn’t have a clue what’s even happening.

“Robert Mueller is being asked to testify yet again. He said he could only stick to the Report, & that is what he would and must do. After so much testimony & total transparency, this Witch Hunt must now end. No more Do Overs. No Collusion, No Obstruction. The Great Hoax is dead!” Wait a minute, because there’s a lot of toxic waste to unpack here.

First of all, when Donald Trump says that Mueller is being “asked to testify yet again,” is he under the impression that Mueller has somehow already testified? If he’s saying that Mueller is simply being asked again, that’s bizarre too, because Mueller has only been asked once, and he agreed. But Trump’s insistence that Mueller’s testimony would be a “do over” implies that Trump really does think Mueller already testified. Also, simply yelling that your own criminal scandal is “dead” doesn’t make it go away.

The most hilarious part here is that Donald Trump thinks that if Robert Mueller sticks to what’s in his report, it’ll be good for Trump. It’s clear that not only has Trump not read the Mueller report, his own handlers have told him that it’s good news for him. Meanwhile back in the real world, the Mueller report reveals that Donald Trump committed eleven instances of felony obstruction of justice, and that his campaign clearly conspired with the Russian government to try to alter the outcome of the election.

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