Robert Mueller formally agrees to publicly testify about Donald Trump, and now all bets are off

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If Robert Mueller’s goal was to take down Donald Trump for his crimes, then Mueller failed in that goal. If Mueller wasn’t actually trying to bring Trump to justice for his crimes, then Mueller failed us all. Either way, Mueller is now going to get to explain himself in full to the American public – and all bets are off.

This evening, the House Judiciary Committee and House Intelligence Committee announced that Robert Mueller will publicly testify before both committees. Adam Schiff appeared on the Rachel Maddow show tonight and revealed that Mueller was in fact subpoenaed, as he didn’t want to testify – but he has confirmed that he’ll honor the subpoena.

Palmer Report said all along that Robert Mueller was always going to testify eventually, because the House Democrats were going to end up demanding it, and Mueller isn’t the type to defy a subpoena. Mueller is scheduled to publicly testify roughly three weeks from now, on July 17th. House Democrats have long been engaged in a legal battle with the Trump regime over the testimony of the likes of Don McGahn and Hope Hicks, and have struggled to line up a blockbuster witness. Mueller is finally it.

That said, while Robert Mueller’s testimony will be of great help to House Democrats as they make their case against Donald Trump, some of Mueller’s testimony is likely to be frustrating for viewers. There are redacted matters that he can’t publicly discuss due to ongoing criminal cases and such. He’ll answer some questions by saying that he can only discuss it in a followup closed session. That said, his testimony is likely to be a devastating blow to Donald Trump.

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