Rudy Giuliani announces he’s quitting Donald Trump’s legal team, changes mind, has complete meltdown

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Last month we learned that Donald Trump’s former attorney John Dowd left a voicemail for Michael Flynn’s attorney, stressing that Trump would be upset if Flynn cut a plea deal. It made clear that Dowd is going to prison for obstruction at some point, and in what is probably not a coincidence, Flynn announced out of nowhere that he’s firing his lawyer. Then for a minute it appeared that yet another lawyer was out of a job.

Earlier today, Rudy Giuliani announced to conservative publication Washington Examiner that he’s quitting Donald Trump’s legal team after he does “cleanup” on a few more loose ends. Then this evening, Rudy changed his mind and announced that he isn’t leaving, posting this tweet: “I have no plan to cease personal representation of @realDonaldTrump. I was brought on to handle the Mueller investigation and I am still dealing with the possible crimes committed by the investigators. I’m here until Pres. doesn’t need me or needs something else.”

Giuliani’s behavior grows more bizarre by the day, so him quitting and then changing his mind within the span of a few hours isn’t exactly shocking. But what does stand out is the timing. Rudy hadn’t yet joined Trump’s legal time at the time John Dowd was committing obstruction of justice via voicemail, but it’s still – ahem – interesting that Rudy announced he was quitting Trump’s legal team at the exact same time Dowd’s obstruction voicemail was being publicly released. Is Rudy getting nervous about his own illegal antics in the name of trying to get Trump off the hook?

One clue would be the tweet that Rudy Giuliani posted shortly after he rescinded his resignation: “Nancy Peolosi has lost it. She wants to see Donald Trump in prison. Mueller’s Angry Dems conducted a scorched earth investigation and couldn’t find a crime. There’s actual evidence Comey, McCabe, Stroyk, and the Bidens committed crimes. Prison for them?” To be clear, there is no one named “Stroyk” – and Rudy has to be out of his mind to double down on his already-exposed phony Biden scandal. Rudy is on another planet at this point. Then again, so is Trump.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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