Nancy Pelosi just played Donald Trump

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Last night, in a remark she had to know would immediately leak to the media, Nancy Pelosi told members of the Democratic House caucus that she wants Donald Trump in prison. Palmer Report laid out the reasons why Trump is already all but rubber-stamped for prison once he’s out of office, and what Pelosi might really be trying to accomplish on that front. Regardless of Pelosi’s long term strategy, her remark already paid off for her today.

It turns out Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi both attended D-Day memorial ceremonies today in Normandy. The media asked Pelosi about her prison remark, but she responded by saying that she wasn’t going to comment critically about the President of the United States while she was on foreign soil. Trump was asked about Pelosi during an on-site interview he did with Fox News, and he responded by calling her “Nervous Nancy” and a “disaster.”

The upshot: we’re seeing headline after headline today about how Donald Trump inappropriately attacked Pelosi while he was at the D-Day memorial event. It’s as if Pelosi knew Trump would spout off today if she said something last night to get his attention, and sure enough, he walked right into it.

Before long, Nancy Pelosi’s actions will reveal what she was really getting at when she said that she wants Donald Trump in prison. But in hindsight it’s not too difficult to figure out why she chose the timing that she did. Pelosi keeps pushing Trump into making himself look unpresidential in the eyes of the average American – which is the necessary first step in taking him down.

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