We told you more indictments are coming from Robert Mueller’s grand jury

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced his resignation this morning, stating that his work in his investigation is done. But a major news development this evening makes clear that Mueller’s investigation itself is far from done. In fact Mueller’s grand jury is still active, still having witnesses testify, and – by legal definition – still seeking more criminal indictments.

Roger Stone associate Andrew Miller has long been fighting a legal battle to try to avoid having to testify about Stone before Robert Mueller’s grand jury. Miller has been losing this battle in court every step of the way, and he was nearly out of legal options, but he was still fighting – until today. Immediately after Mueller’s statement, according to CNN, Miller abruptly agreed to go ahead and testify just two days from now. So what’s going on here?

There is no indication that Andrew Miller is a criminal target. In fact, since he’s being subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury, that strongly points to him not being a target. It does, however, mean that prosecutors believe Miller’s testimony will lead to indictments against one or more other people – because indicting people is literally the only reason a grand jury exists.

Miller’s testimony could merely lead to an additional indictment against Roger Stone – who is already awaiting trial on several existing criminal charges – or it could lead to something broader. But the point is that this proves that Mueller’s grand jury is still active, and that more indictments are coming. In other words, Mueller may be done, but his work is far from done.

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