Donald Trump has deranged meltdown after everything goes wrong for him

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What could be worse for Donald Trump than Thursday’s news that Michael Flynn sold him out to Robert Mueller and even supplied an incriminating voicemail? Today, Republican Congressman Justin Amash called for the impeachment process to begin against Trump. Suffice it to say, Trump isn’t taking this turn of events well.

Donald Trump has thus far just barely addressed the Michael Flynn bombshell, demanding to know why no one warned him that Flynn was under investigation (spoiler alert: everyone warned him), and Trump has yet to publicly attack Amash. Instead, Trump tried to change the subject by posting a nearly all-caps meltdown of a tweet.

For reasons known only to him, Trump thought that this alphabet vomit would be a good way to change the narrative: “Courts & Dems in Congress, neither of which have a clue, are trying to FORCE migrants into our Country! OUR COUNTRY IS FULL, OUR DETENTION CENTERS, HOSPITALS & SCHOOLS ARE PACKED. Crazy!” For the record, hospitals and schools are not suffering because of immigrants, and the detention centers are only full because Trump keeps illegally rounding up more immigrants than can fit in those centers.

It’s notable that Donald Trump is attacking the Democrats and the Judicial Branch at the same time, as the courts continue to largely rule against his illegal moves. It’s also notable that Trump isn’t even trying to push his threat to invade Iran, as that narrative has fallen to pieces over the past few days amid growing reports that Trump and his own team can’t keep their Iran story straight. Instead, Trump is falling back on the old standby of telling racist lies, which shores up his base, but does nothing to help his underwater approval rating.

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