Adam Schiff knows something we don’t

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Even though it’s heavily redacted, the Mueller report makes clear that Donald Trump committed enough obstruction of justice felonies to put him in prison for the rest of his life, once he’s no longer in office. The redacted Mueller report does not fully expose the Trump-Russia election conspiracy, falling far short of even what’s been reliably reported by major media outlets. That said, House Intel Committee Chair Adam Schiff sure seems to know something we don’t.

Adam Schiff tweeted this today: “Mike Pence won’t commit to refusing Russian help in the next election. Brad Parscale, now Trump’s campaign manager, denied the Russians even helped last time. Trump’s GOP doesn’t consider making use of help from a foreign enemy to be collusion; to them it’s just good politics.”

Yes, Schiff has surely read the Trump-Russia headlines along with the rest of us, and he surely saw Pence’s recent interview about Russian election interference. But Schiff appears to be focused on far more specific matters than the media has exposed, and he keeps focusing on this same handful of names and issues in the Trump-Russia election conspiracy. Schiff’s long history as a prosecutor and investigator strongly suggests that he’s too careful to merely be going on a hunch here. So what does he know that we don’t?

That’s the big question. As the Chair of the House Intel Committee, Adam Schiff is entitled to classified information, as well as information about ongoing investigations, that the rest of us don’t get to know about. Schiff also seems to be hinting that he knows things about the ongoing Trump-Russia counterintelligence probe, which is still zero percent public, beyond the fact that it exists. Schiff tweeted this: “The Mueller report includes the results of the criminal probe, but not the findings of the counterintelligence investigation. What vulnerabilities did Russia’s covert campaign expose? Did any Americans present a national security risk? The Intelligence Committee will find out.”

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