Rod Rosenstein exposed as a traitor

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Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein sure talked a good game while he was overseeing the Mueller investigation. But it became clear that something was very wrong when Rosenstein publicly defended Attorney General William Barr’s criminally obstructive handling of the Mueller report. Now, new reporting reveals that Rosenstein is, unfortunately, every bit as corrupt as Donald Trump and Barr.

The trouble began yesterday when Rod Rosenstein gave a bizarre and sickening speech, in which he painted Donald Trump as a hero while viciously attacking President Obama and the media, according to the New York Times. Make no mistake, these are the words of a traitor. Rosenstein is clearly trying to cover for Trump’s election crimes and post-election crimes, while pushing the same lying talking points that Trump has long used to try to deflect attention from his crime spree. Then it got worse.

This afternoon the Washington Post reported that at one point during the Mueller investigation, Rod Rosenstein called up Donald Trump in order to assure him that he “was on his team.” This is being widely interpreted as Rosenstein having offered to help clear Trump’s name – and of course that’s the kind of felony obstruction of justice that you go to prison for.

House Democrats are quickly pouncing on this scandal, and are making clear their intention to haul in Rod Rosenstein to answer for his crimes. Eric Swalwell, who sits on the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, appeared on MSNBC this afternoon and stated that Rosenstein had chosen the “wrong team.” It’s still far from clear if Rosenstein has been trying to sabotage the Mueller probe all along, or if Trump only recently turned him. Either way, Rosenstein’s career effectively ended today – and once Trump is gone, Rosenstein will have to worry about being prosecuted for felony obstruction of justice.

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