Robert Mueller didn’t come out of retirement just to file this report and go home. What’s really up his sleeve tonight?

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller has filed a report about his investigation with the Attorney General. Although no details of any kind have been revealed about the nature of the report, numerous pundits are painting this as the “end” of Mueller’s work. We’re here to tell you that Mueller didn’t come out of retirement and spend two years working on this case just so he could file a book report and go home.

For that matter, Robert Mueller didn’t come out of retirement just to take down the likes of Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. Mueller watched Donald Trump commit felony obstruction of justice by firing FBI Director James Comey to try to shut down this investigation. When Mueller took over the probe, it became about more than just the Trump-Russia scandal; it became about Donald Trump’s crimes.

We don’t know what Robert Mueller’s gameplan is for bringing Donald Trump to justice, but we know there is one, or Mueller wouldn’t have taken the job. Mueller could be planning anything from having the SDNY indict Trump any minute now, to spelling out in his report that Trump should be indicted.

As this plays out in the coming hours and days, keep this in mind: no matter how many times the TV pundits insist that no new indictments have accompanied Robert Mueller’s report, they don’t know this. They don’t know what indictments may or may not be under seal, or what might be unsealed and when. Until actual news breaks, the pundits are largely just going to spin the current lack of information into a worst case scenario, because that’s what they think will scare you into staying tuned in.

One even bigger thing to keep in mind: although Robert Mueller’s mandate was to investigate the Trump-Russia election scandal, whenever he’s uncovered alleged crimes that fall outside that mandate, he’s handed them off to U.S. Attorneys’ offices for prosecution. For instance, Michael Cohen is headed to prison for crimes that have basically nothing to do with Trump-Russia. So you can fully expect that Mueller has referred for prosecution all the alleged crimes he’s uncovered on the part of everyone in Donald Trump’s orbit. This isn’t over; today is the starting point.

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