Get your popcorn: Michael Cohen has more dirt on Donald Trump than we thought

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Back when Michael Cohen was still trying to protect Donald Trump, he lied under oath to Congress in the process. Cohen has since pleaded guilty to that crime and others, and is headed to prison – and he’s decided to take Trump down with him. Cohen is coming back to Congress to set the record straight, and it turns out he has more dirt on Trump than we thought.

Michael Cohen’s new testimony would be worthless without corroboration, because he’s a proven liar. When his testimony was first announced, Palmer Report pointed out that there was no way he’d take the stand without some kind of evidence or documentation to support his claims. Sure enough, over the weekend we learned that he would indeed be bringing the receipts. Now we’re learning what kind of receipts.

Michael Cohen is testifying in private right now for the Senate Intelligence Committee, and we still don’t know what he’s saying. But he’s also testifying in public tomorrow for the House Oversight Committee. According to CBS News, Cohen is bringing documents from Donald Trump’s accountant which show that Trump committed tax fraud. And according to NBC News, Cohen also has evidence that Trump has committed crimes since he took office. Why is this such a big deal?

The former should help House Democrats in their legal battle to subpoena Donald Trump’s tax returns. And the latter will help wipe out the argument from his apologists that Trump only committed crimes in the past and that he’s somehow a changed man. But the real upshot here is that anything Cohen is presenting to Congress, he’s already given to Robert Mueller and the SDNY. Not only will tomorrow’s testimony be a historic spectacle, it’ll also be a peek into the evidence that Mueller will use to take Trump down.

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