Donald Trump’s suspicious sudden silence

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Yesterday, during the pre-Super Bowl interview that the sitting president traditionally does with the TV network that’s airing the game, Donald Trump was surprisingly subdued. The shots he took at Nancy Pelosi were milquetoast at best, and he even invoked his long-forgotten son Barron. If Trump’s handlers fed him a bunch of horse tranquilizers yesterday, we’ve been wondering when they would wear off. We’re still wondering.

Sure, Donald Trump came out of his quasi-coma yesterday evening just long enough to post a Twitter rant about caravans, but then he seemed to pass out again. There was no subsequent mention that his team, the New England Patriots, won the Super Bowl. In fact there was no more ranting last night of any kind, and today he’s gone completely silent.

This morning saw Donald Trump skipping his usual morning Twitter rant altogether. He sometimes does this on Saturdays, but never on a Monday. The only tweet he ended up posting today was when he announced this afternoon that he’s nominating David Bernhardt as Secretary of the Interior. But even this was one of those “process tweets” that was clearly written and posted by his staff.

Donald Trump hasn’t mouthed off in twenty-four hours. This is after he gave a major television interview where he sounded like he’d given up on life. This is all rather unusual. Something seems off, as if he knows something the rest of us don’t, and it’s bad news for him and/or his people. We’ll see what comes of this.

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