Donald Trump gets ripped to shreds

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It’s rarely a good sign on Twitter when you tweet something and it ends up getting more comments than retweets. It generally means that people are far more interested in telling you how you got it wrong than in how you got it right. That brings us to Donald Trump’s tweet today about Black History Month, which didn’t exactly work out well for him.

Donald Trump posted this tweet: “National African American History Month is an occasion to rediscover the enduring stories of African Americans and the gifts of freedom, purpose, and opportunity they have bestowed on future generations.” That would have been fine and dandy if it had been coming from a politician who wasn’t a blatant racist. But Trump is the most notorious racist of his generation.

Respondents were quick to pile on, pointing out that Donald Trump’s approval rating among African Americans is around three percent. Others pointed to Trump’s support for openly racist Congressman Steve King, Trump’s vocal support for the racists in Charlottesville, and Trump’s numerous other past and present racist and bigoted episodes.

Donald Trump ended up with around eleven thousand retweets but thirteen thousand comments on his tweet, which means that his tweet went over particularly poorly. Then again, Trump continues to be more and more poorly received in general as his corruption, racism, and general awfulness continue to further come to light.

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