Donald Trump Jr’s phone call story falls apart even more

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Yesterday, CNN posted a weird story claiming that, according to inside sources, the Senate Intel Committee had just received evidence showing that Donald Trump Jr wasn’t on the phone with his father just before the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians, but instead had two innocent phone calls with random business associates. Palmer Report quickly pointed out the numerous holes in the report. Then it started to fall apart. Now it’s fallen apart even further.

This story never should have been reported to begin with, considering that the reporters involved never saw the supposed evidence themselves, and based on the phrasing used in the CNN report, the “inside sources” appear to have merely been members of the Trump Organization. But then things got worse when the New York Times reported that the two supposed phone calls in question were to NASCAR boss Brian France and real estate developer Howard Lorber. We’re really supposed to believe that, on his way into a treason meeting with the Russians, Donald Trump Jr decided he needed to run it all past the guy from NASCAR? Now it’s gotten worse.

Howard Lorber isn’t just some real estate developer. Craig Unger of Vanity Fair has revealed that when Donald Trump first traveled to Russia more than twenty years ago to try to build Trump Tower Moscow, his old pal Lorber went with him. So if Donald Trump Jr was indeed chatting with Lorber on his way into his meeting with the Russians, it would mean Junior expected the meeting to be about Trump Tower Moscow before he even walked into the room – which would further incriminate him.

So if the Senate Intel Committee has indeed obtained phone records proving that Donald Trump Jr spoke with Howard Lorber on his way into this meeting, it’s really bad news for Junior. And if the records don’t really exist or are forged, then the Trump Organization just handed Junior the worst phony alibi of all time. In any case, Lorber and France are about to get subpoenaed if they haven’t been already. And there is still no reason to believe Trump Jr didn’t speak with his dad on the way into the meeting.

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