Trey Gowdy reveals he’s exactly who we thought he was

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When notoriously dishonest Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy made the shock announcement that he was retiring from politics, he essentially said that he was doing it because he was tired of being a partisan hack. He hinted that he wanted to return to his previous career as a prosecutor. But it looks like Gowdy is missing the far-right swamp already, because he’s decided to come slithering back in a new role.

Trey Gowdy is now taking a job as a Fox News talking head, where the network says he’ll provide “political and legal analysis.” Translation: he’s been hired to resume his lifetime of deranged lies and phony conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton. As Donald Trump circles the drain in such severe fashion that even Fox can’t figure out how to keep propping him up, the network’s only real remaining avenue for ratings is to ramp up the lies about its favorite Democratic scapegoats.

And really, there’s no one more suited to spread lies about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats than Trey Gowdy, who is best known for spending years leading phony congressional investigations into phony Hillary scandals, such as email and Benghazi. Gowdy has always been a prick, and his decision to join Fox News reveals that he’s a prick and will always be one.

If you’re looking for a silver lining in all this, back when Trey Gowdy was carrying out his fraudulent hearings aimed at sabotaging Hillary Clinton, his chief adversary was the ranking member on the committee, Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings. As it turns out, Cummings now has Gowdy’s old job of committee chair. Meanwhile Gowdy will be busy crapping all over his own already-terrible reputation over at Fox News, thus ensuring that he’ll never ever be appointed to any prosecutor job in the future.

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