Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about the arrest of Roger Stone

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When Special Counsel Robert Mueller had the FBI arrest Roger Stone on Friday morning, in a move that everyone in politics saw coming based on the prior day’s grand jury developments, Donald Trump seemed to be the only one caught off guard. He said nothing at all about it, even while sending Sarah Huckabee Sanders onto television to deflect and lie about it. But now that Trump has had some time for the bad news to sink in, he’s going berserk about it.

For reference, here’s the lie-filled tweet that Donald Trump posted this morning: “If Roger Stone was indicted for lying to Congress, what about the lying done by Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Lisa Page & lover, Baker and soooo many others? What about Hillary to FBI and her 33,000 deleted Emails? What about Lisa & Peter’s deleted texts & Wiener’s laptop? Much more!”

To be clear, Hillary Clinton did no such thing, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok did no such thing, and Anthony Wiener is in prison for what he did. None of the people named in Trump’s tweet are known to have ever lied under oath. But what stands out here is that Trump is focusing solely on Roger Stone’s perjury charges, while trying to get everyone to forget about the main thrust of why Stone was arrested.

The indictment against Roger Stone spells out that someone (almost certainly Donald Trump or Donald Trump Jr) instructed Steve Bannon to tell Stone to conspire with WikiLeaks in the hope of obtaining damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Because WikiLeaks is a foreign entity, this was a treason-like plot to rig the 2016 election. Robert Mueller nabbed Stone on Friday in order to establish the criminal conspiracy that the bigger fish – including Trump – are about to get charged for. Stone’s rampant perjury and obstruction of justice are just icing on the cake.

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