Donald Trump goes berserk because he’s too stupid to understand Robert Mueller’s statement

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This evening Special Counsel Robert Mueller stated that some details are incorrect when it comes to the BuzzFeed bombshell about Donald Trump having instructed Michael Cohen to lie under oath to Congress about Trump Tower Moscow. Accordingly, Trump is celebrating rather loudly, as if something just went right for him – even though that’s not the case at all.

Here’s what Donald Trump tweeted on Friday night: “Remember it was Buzzfeed that released the totally discredited “Dossier,” paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats (as opposition research), on which the entire Russian probe is based! A very sad day for journalism, but a great day for our Country!” Uh, no, that’s not how any of this works.

If Robert Mueller were asserting that Donald Trump didn’t actually tell Michael Cohen to lie, Mueller would have actually said this in exact words. Instead Mueller is rather obviously referring to the specific details of the BuzzFeed story.

In short, Mueller seems to be saying “Hey House Democrats, don’t start impeachment just yet, give me a chance to get you the 100% accurate version of the story first.” This suggests that Mueller is about to do precisely that – and that’s not good news for Donald Trump at all. Trump is just too stupid to understand what’s happening to him, as always.

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