Donald Trump pays dearly after trying to screw with Nancy Pelosi

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After Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made clear that she wouldn’t allow Donald Trump to show up and deliver the State of the Union address until he reopens the government, Trump took his best shot at revenge today. He canceled Pelosi’s upcoming overseas trip to visit the troops in a combat zone, and to meet with NATO leaders. Trump then exposed the secret details of Pelosi’s trip, before telling her to fly commercial. It was a horrifying development. But as with most things Trump tries these days, it blew up on him – and cost him dearly.

Whether he intended to or not, Donald Trump set the precedent today that elected officials should not be traveling overseas on the government’s dime during the shutdown. This suddenly put a huge amount of attention today on Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s upcoming trip to Davos. By the time the day was over, there was so much controversy surrounding the Davos trip, the White House ended up announcing that it had been canceled.

Mnuchin’s upcoming Davos trip has been public knowledge for as long as the shutdown has existed, and while there were some minor rumblings about it, there wasn’t enough controversy to force Trump to cancel it. But as a direct result of his juvenile and dangerous attempt at screwing with Pelosi today, Trump cost Mnuchin the Davos trip.

As it’s widely believed that the Trump regime uses Davos to secure personal bribes from overseas, and it’s suspected that Mnuchin was headed there specifically to secure these kinds of arrangements on Trump’s behalf, it looks like Trump may have just hurt himself in the wallet. Each time he takes on Pelosi, he loses quickly and severely.

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