Rachel Maddow just dropped the hammer on Donald Trump

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Palmer Report has periodically called out MSNBC for being too slow to embrace important narratives in Donald Trump’s scandals, while being too eager to push ratings-friendly fear mongering narratives (Mueller getting fired, everyone being magically pardoned) that were obviously never real stories. But credit has to be given where it’s due, and most of us agree that Rachel Maddow is the smartest and most incisive MSNBC host. That makes what she said last night all the more crucial and influential.

Over the weekend we saw a series of newspaper bombshells revealing that the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into Donald Trump a year and a half ago, and that Trump hid the interpreter notes from his Putin meetings from his own staff. This leaves no question that Putin installed Trump, and that Trump is a willing and fully controlled puppet of Putin. This brings us to Maddow.

Rachel Maddow chooses her words carefully, so it’s a big deal that last night she simply went for it and flatly declared that “Putin bought his very own U.S. President.” I won’t recap everything she went on to say; most of you watched it. But what I want to point out here is that Maddow is staking herself to the fact that Trump wasn’t legitimately elected, and that Trump is a Kremlin operative. Why does this matter?

There are a lot of people who simply don’t believe that any given news narrative is “confirmed” unless they hear it on television. I know this first hand, based on the feedback I get from people who aren’t regular Palmer Report readers who know my track record, and give me an earful whenever I write something and they don’t end up hearing the same thing on MSNBC that night. So Maddow calling Trump out in such direct fashion has the potential to impact the national narrative significantly.

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