Lindsey Graham goes even further off the deep end after MSNBC suggests he’s being blackmailed

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Lindsey Graham, long one of the most respected and reasonable Republicans in the Senate, has turned into a freak show over the past several months. He’s transformed overnight from vaguely anti-Trump to cartoonishly pro-Trump. He spouts deranged conspiracy theories. He props up Trump’s monsters like Brett Kavanaugh. And when Graham speaks these days, he sounds like a mentally unstable lunatic. Today he went and made it all even weirder.

After the William Barr confirmation hearings today, Lindsey Graham spoke with a gang of reporters in the Senate chamber while the live television cameras rolled. C-SPAN broadcast Graham saying that Speaker Nancy Pelosi is suddenly in “hot water” because a bunch of House Democrats are supposedly secretly in favor of Donald Trump’s racist border wall. Graham then said something about running to tell Trump about it.

Considering the manner in which Democrats and liberals tend to speak their minds, if this were remotely true, these House Democrats would be saying this to the media, not privately to Lindsey Graham of all people. So this means Graham is making up this claim from whole cloth. He’ll tell Trump about it, and Trump will tweet something about it, but it still won’t be true. At this point Lindsey is hallucinating more frantically than Donald is.

Perhaps Lindsey Graham was freaked out today when MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle strongly implied this morning that Donald Trump is blackmailing Graham with some unknown secret or scandal. Back in the real world, there has long been zero doubt that Trump is blackmailing Graham. But it’s significant that even the cable news cocoon, which always chooses to be last on these kinds of narratives, is finally joining the fray. At this point Graham would do well to simply come clean, as he appears to be collapsing into mental instability under the pressure.

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