Why it’s so important that John Kelly is fessing up to Donald Trump’s biggest lies

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Donald Trump’s outgoing White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is now admitting that a number of key things Trump has said to the American people are indeed lies. On its face, this is about as shocking as Kelly admitting that water is wet. But when you take a step back, you realize why this admission from Kelly is important, and what it portends for Trump’s downfall.

In case you missed it, John Kelly told the Los Angeles times that “To be honest, it’s not a wall.” He added that Donald Trump has been referring to it privately as “fencing” from nearly the start of the administration, meaning that all this time Trump was beating his chest about building a wall, he already knew it wasn’t a wall. Trump shut down the government over something that he’s never intended to build. Again, no shocker here. But what matters here is that Kelly is saying it, publicly, right now, and not in a memoir someday.

Donald Trump is in the fight of his political life over his imaginary border wall. If John Kelly were simply trying to redeem his own reputation for the long haul, he could have waited a few months until Trump is out of power, or least have waited a few days until incoming House Democrats force Trump’s wall shutdown to end. But Kelly doesn’t want to wait. He’s trying to get out ahead of this now, even if it means sabotaging what Trump is still trying to do.

John Kelly is so certain that Donald Trump is going to end up on the wrong side of history, and that the historical judgment of Trump will very soon be cemented, he’s desperately trying to throw Trump under the bus right now before history writes that he was one of Trump’s evil henchmen.

John Kelly should not be let off the hook so easily. His tenure in the administration revealed that he’s a vicious racist in his own right. He wasn’t merely following orders or trying to mitigate Trump’s damage, as he’s always wanted us to believe. He enjoyed being a part of this racist freak show. History should not, and will not, be kind to Kelly. But the real upshot here is that even a scumbag like Kelly understands just how poorly the Trump regime will be judged, and he’s afraid of going down in history as having been a key part of the corresponding evil.

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