Everyone piles on after Donald Trump quotes some guy that no one has even heard of

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Donald Trump is having a pretty horrible week for himself. The stock market, despite a minor rebound, is in the toilet. His criminal scandals keep getting worse. And his government shutdown stunt has backfired on him, because no one is willing to pay for his border wall, and no one outside his racist base wants it anyway. This prompted Trump to post a quote from, well, some guy. It didn’t go well.

Here’s what Donald Trump tweeted: “Brad Blakeman: ‘The American people understand that we have been played by foreign actors who would rather have us fight their battles for them. The President says look, this is your neighborhood, you’ve got to stand up to protect yourselves. Don’t always look to America.'” This led a whole lot of people to ask the same question: who is Brad Blakeman?

We did a bit of digging, and learned that he’s the former head of a Republican lobbying firm who is now mired in obscurity, save for the occasional Fox News appearance. Twitter users were not impressed. One respondent sarcastically tweeted “Wow, Brad Blakeman! A real heavy hitter!” Another simply replied, “Who the hell is Brad Blakeman?”

So this is all that Donald Trump has left to go on. So few people or pundits want anything to do with his imaginary wall or his disastrous shutdown or his failed presidency in general, he’s been reduced to quoting some guy that no one has even heard of – and the quote itself, of course, is ridiculous. Now that Trump is quoting Brad Blakeman, who’s next? Brad Paisley? Blake Shelton?

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